
A Qāri (lit. 'reader', Arabic: قَارِئ‎, plural قَارِئُونَ qāriʾūna, قُرَّاء qurrāʾ or قَرَأَة qaraʾah) is a person who recites the Quran with the proper rules of recitation (tajwid). Although it is encouraged, a qāriʾ does not necessarily have to memorize the Quran, just to recite it according to the rules of tajwid with melodious sound. The quadrumvirate of El Minshawy, Abdul Basit, Mustafa Ismail, and Al-Hussary are generally considered the most important and famous Qurra' of modern times to have had an outsized impact on the Islamic world.


A Qāri (lit. 'reader', Arabic: قَارِئ‎, plural قَارِئُونَ qāriʾūna, قُرَّاء qurrāʾ or قَرَأَة qaraʾah) is a person who recites the Quran with the proper rules of recitation (tajwid). Although it is encouraged, a qāriʾ does not necessarily have to memorize the Quran, just to recite it according to the rules of tajwid with melodious sound. The quadrumvirate of El Minshawy, Abdul Basit, Mustafa Ismail, and Al-Hussary are generally considered the most important and famous Qurra' of modern times to have had an outsized impact on the Islamic world.