
In geometry, a quadrisecant or quadrisecant line of a curve is a line that passes through four points of the curve. Every knotted curve in three-dimensional Euclidean space has a quadrisecant. The number of quadrisecants of an algebraic curve in complex projective space can be computed by a formula derived by Arthur Cayley. Quadrisecants of skew lines are also associated with ruled surfaces and the Schläfli double six configuration.


In geometry, a quadrisecant or quadrisecant line of a curve is a line that passes through four points of the curve. Every knotted curve in three-dimensional Euclidean space has a quadrisecant. The number of quadrisecants of an algebraic curve in complex projective space can be computed by a formula derived by Arthur Cayley. Quadrisecants of skew lines are also associated with ruled surfaces and the Schläfli double six configuration.