Queen Amina Statue

Queen Amina Statue is an equestrian statue in honour of Queen Amina, an Hausa Warrior Queen of Zazzau. The sculpture was originally designed by Ben Ekanem in 1975 during the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture and was placed at the entrance of the National Arts Theatre in Lagos State. It was destroyed in 2005 due to weathering but was however re-designed in 2014 by an unsigned artist.

Queen Amina Statue

Queen Amina Statue is an equestrian statue in honour of Queen Amina, an Hausa Warrior Queen of Zazzau. The sculpture was originally designed by Ben Ekanem in 1975 during the Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture and was placed at the entrance of the National Arts Theatre in Lagos State. It was destroyed in 2005 due to weathering but was however re-designed in 2014 by an unsigned artist.