Queen Isabel II Statue

The Queen Isabel II Statue is located in front of Puerta Isabel II in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. It is made of bronze and was funded by donations collected from the city in 1854 and 1855. Ponciano Ponzano, a Spanish sculptor was commissioned to do the work. It was erected amidst festive ceremonies on 14 July 1860 near Teatro Alfonso XII in Arroceros in what is now Plaza Lawton (now Liwasang Bonifacio).

Queen Isabel II Statue

The Queen Isabel II Statue is located in front of Puerta Isabel II in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. It is made of bronze and was funded by donations collected from the city in 1854 and 1855. Ponciano Ponzano, a Spanish sculptor was commissioned to do the work. It was erected amidst festive ceremonies on 14 July 1860 near Teatro Alfonso XII in Arroceros in what is now Plaza Lawton (now Liwasang Bonifacio).