Quilon Aerodrome

Quilon Aerodrome or Kollam Airport was an aerodrome in the city of Kollam in the former state of Travancore, now in Kerala, India. During the 1920s, there were no other civil aerodromes in the kingdoms of Cochin, Travancore and the Malabar District at the time of the British ruled Madras Presidency. With the commissioning of Trivandrum International Airport in 1932 at state capital 57 kilometres (35 mi) to the south, the aerodrome fell into disuse and came to be known as the Asramam Maidan.

Quilon Aerodrome

Quilon Aerodrome or Kollam Airport was an aerodrome in the city of Kollam in the former state of Travancore, now in Kerala, India. During the 1920s, there were no other civil aerodromes in the kingdoms of Cochin, Travancore and the Malabar District at the time of the British ruled Madras Presidency. With the commissioning of Trivandrum International Airport in 1932 at state capital 57 kilometres (35 mi) to the south, the aerodrome fell into disuse and came to be known as the Asramam Maidan.