
The RAF-2203 Latvija (nickname Rafik) was a cabover van designed and developed by Rīgas Autobusu Fabrika from 1976–1997. They were widely used throughout the USSR as fixed-run taxis (marshrutkas), medical cars, used for trade and as a special services vehicles. It was the successor of the RAF-977. In addition to the uncommon 22033 and 22036 for state militias, there were prototype electric vehicles. After RAF went bankrupt, production was picked up by GAZ, who quickly replaced it with the GAZelle.


The RAF-2203 Latvija (nickname Rafik) was a cabover van designed and developed by Rīgas Autobusu Fabrika from 1976–1997. They were widely used throughout the USSR as fixed-run taxis (marshrutkas), medical cars, used for trade and as a special services vehicles. It was the successor of the RAF-977. In addition to the uncommon 22033 and 22036 for state militias, there were prototype electric vehicles. After RAF went bankrupt, production was picked up by GAZ, who quickly replaced it with the GAZelle.