RISE (Ireland)

RISE is a democratic socialist political organisation in Ireland, founded in September 2019 by former members of the Socialist Party, including Paul Murphy TD. It was originally created as a separate political party, but in February 2021 it entered People Before Profit as an internal network. The name is a contrived acronym standing for Revolutionary, Internationalist, Socialist and Environmentalist. It supports a Socialist Green New Deal to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030, the nationalisation and democratic control of the banking system and the abolition of the "rights" of capitalist private property.

RISE (Ireland)

RISE is a democratic socialist political organisation in Ireland, founded in September 2019 by former members of the Socialist Party, including Paul Murphy TD. It was originally created as a separate political party, but in February 2021 it entered People Before Profit as an internal network. The name is a contrived acronym standing for Revolutionary, Internationalist, Socialist and Environmentalist. It supports a Socialist Green New Deal to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030, the nationalisation and democratic control of the banking system and the abolition of the "rights" of capitalist private property.