RV Gloria Michelle

RV Gloria Michelle, sometimes rendered as R/V Gloria Michelle, is an American fisheries research vessel in non-commissioned service in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fleet since 1980. Prior to her NOAA career, she was a commercial shrimp boat that came into the possession of the United States Government after her seizure for carrying marijuana. Registered as NOAA F7201, Gloria Michelle conducts operations in coastal waters along the northeastern coast of North America.

RV Gloria Michelle

RV Gloria Michelle, sometimes rendered as R/V Gloria Michelle, is an American fisheries research vessel in non-commissioned service in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fleet since 1980. Prior to her NOAA career, she was a commercial shrimp boat that came into the possession of the United States Government after her seizure for carrying marijuana. Registered as NOAA F7201, Gloria Michelle conducts operations in coastal waters along the northeastern coast of North America.