Rajah Humabon

Rajah Humabon, later baptized as Don Carlos, was the Rajah of Cebu (an Indianized Philippine polity) at the time of Portuguese-born, Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan's arrival in the Philippines in 1521. There is no official record of his existence before the Spanish contact in 1521. The existing information was written by Magellan's Italian voyage chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta on Humabon and the indigenous Philippine peoples that existed prior to Spanish colonization.

Rajah Humabon

Rajah Humabon, later baptized as Don Carlos, was the Rajah of Cebu (an Indianized Philippine polity) at the time of Portuguese-born, Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan's arrival in the Philippines in 1521. There is no official record of his existence before the Spanish contact in 1521. The existing information was written by Magellan's Italian voyage chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta on Humabon and the indigenous Philippine peoples that existed prior to Spanish colonization.