Ramón Ayala (Argentine musician)

Ramón Ayala, pseudonym Ramón Gumercindo Cidade (Garupá, Misiones, March 10, 1937) is a singer, writer and Argentine poet. His music and prose, is strongly identified with the culture of their home province. Ayala decided to create its own musical style, which he called "Gualambao"; (which it is formed by two polka rhythms chained by a permanent syncopation, which gives a particular appearance). It is written in 12/8 (twelve eighths), meaning that each bar has 12 eighth notes spread out over 4 times.

Ramón Ayala (Argentine musician)

Ramón Ayala, pseudonym Ramón Gumercindo Cidade (Garupá, Misiones, March 10, 1937) is a singer, writer and Argentine poet. His music and prose, is strongly identified with the culture of their home province. Ayala decided to create its own musical style, which he called "Gualambao"; (which it is formed by two polka rhythms chained by a permanent syncopation, which gives a particular appearance). It is written in 12/8 (twelve eighths), meaning that each bar has 12 eighth notes spread out over 4 times.