Ratification Act of 1929

The Ratification Act of 1929 (Pub. Res. 70-89, 45 Stat. 1253, enacted 20 February 1929, codified at 48 U.S.C. § 1661) was joint resolution of the United States Congress that authorized the ratification of the Treaty of Cession of Tutuila of 1900 and the Treaty of Cession of Manu'a of 1904, which ceded the islands of Tutuila and Manu'a, respectively, to the United States and now form part of American Samoa. As such it is one of the basic Constitutional documents of American Samoa. These agreements came about because of the Second Samoan Civil War and the Tripartite Convention of 1899 between the United States, the United Kingdom, and the German Empire.

Ratification Act of 1929

The Ratification Act of 1929 (Pub. Res. 70-89, 45 Stat. 1253, enacted 20 February 1929, codified at 48 U.S.C. § 1661) was joint resolution of the United States Congress that authorized the ratification of the Treaty of Cession of Tutuila of 1900 and the Treaty of Cession of Manu'a of 1904, which ceded the islands of Tutuila and Manu'a, respectively, to the United States and now form part of American Samoa. As such it is one of the basic Constitutional documents of American Samoa. These agreements came about because of the Second Samoan Civil War and the Tripartite Convention of 1899 between the United States, the United Kingdom, and the German Empire.