Raul Lolua

Raul Lolua (Russian: Рауль Валериевич Лолуа) is a former Minister for Internal Affairs of Abkhazia. Following the May 2014 Revolution, Lolua, previously Head of the State Security Service's Special Forces Centre, was appointed First Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs on 9 June 2014 and charged with carrying out the duties of Minister Otar Khetsia, who was (put) on paid leave. On 4 August, acting President Valeri Bganba dismissed Khetsia and appointed Lolua as Acting Minister. Lolua was appointed permanently on 15 October 2014 by newly elected President Raul Khajimba.

Raul Lolua

Raul Lolua (Russian: Рауль Валериевич Лолуа) is a former Minister for Internal Affairs of Abkhazia. Following the May 2014 Revolution, Lolua, previously Head of the State Security Service's Special Forces Centre, was appointed First Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs on 9 June 2014 and charged with carrying out the duties of Minister Otar Khetsia, who was (put) on paid leave. On 4 August, acting President Valeri Bganba dismissed Khetsia and appointed Lolua as Acting Minister. Lolua was appointed permanently on 15 October 2014 by newly elected President Raul Khajimba.