React, Include, Recycle

React–Include–Recycle (Portuguese: Reagir–Incluir–Reciclar, R.I.R.) is a Portuguese political party led by Vitorino Silva, better known as Tino de Rans. The RIR presents itself as a humanist, pacifist, environmentalist, pro-European and universalist party with the purpose of bringing voters and elected officials closer, seeking to return the emphasis on public service to politics.

React, Include, Recycle

React–Include–Recycle (Portuguese: Reagir–Incluir–Reciclar, R.I.R.) is a Portuguese political party led by Vitorino Silva, better known as Tino de Rans. The RIR presents itself as a humanist, pacifist, environmentalist, pro-European and universalist party with the purpose of bringing voters and elected officials closer, seeking to return the emphasis on public service to politics.