Refugees in Schleswig-Holstein after the Second World War

The influx of refugees in Schleswig-Holstein after the Second World War was one of the biggest difficulties faced in Germany in the early post-war period. In terms of population, the Province of Schleswig-Holstein and the new state of Schleswig-Holstein took in the second-most refugees and displaced persons from the eastern regions of Germany between 1944 and 1947, second only to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This led to an economic and humanitarian crisis in the state throughout the late 1940s. The situation was only resolved in the 1950s as the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) enabled physical reconstruction, raised living standards, and aided in integrating the hundreds of thousands of new residents.

Refugees in Schleswig-Holstein after the Second World War

The influx of refugees in Schleswig-Holstein after the Second World War was one of the biggest difficulties faced in Germany in the early post-war period. In terms of population, the Province of Schleswig-Holstein and the new state of Schleswig-Holstein took in the second-most refugees and displaced persons from the eastern regions of Germany between 1944 and 1947, second only to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This led to an economic and humanitarian crisis in the state throughout the late 1940s. The situation was only resolved in the 1950s as the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) enabled physical reconstruction, raised living standards, and aided in integrating the hundreds of thousands of new residents.