Regions of the AANES

The de facto Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, sometimes referred to as "Rojava", is divided into several self-governing regions. The Afrin, Jazira and Euphrates Regions followed from the cantons established in January 2014 and were envisioned as sub-divisions for a future federalisation of Syria. The three cantons were later reorganized into three regions with subordinate cantons, areas, districts and communes. Elections for the local councils of the regions were held in December 2017.

Regions of the AANES

The de facto Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, sometimes referred to as "Rojava", is divided into several self-governing regions. The Afrin, Jazira and Euphrates Regions followed from the cantons established in January 2014 and were envisioned as sub-divisions for a future federalisation of Syria. The three cantons were later reorganized into three regions with subordinate cantons, areas, districts and communes. Elections for the local councils of the regions were held in December 2017.