Religion in Guinea-Bissau

There are diverse religions in Guinea-Bissau with no one religion having a majority. The CIA World Factbook (2017 but using 2008 estimates) states there are about 45% Muslims, 22% Christians, 15% Animists and 18% unspecified or other while the US State Department mentions that estimates vary greatly and cites the Pew Forum data (2010) of 40% Muslim, 31% indigenous religious practices, and 20% Christian. Sunni Islam, including that of Sufi-oriented, are most concentrated in the northern and northeastern parts of the country. Practitioners of traditional indigenous religious beliefs generally live in all but the northern parts of the country. Christians are mostly found along the coastal regions, and belong to the Roman Catholic Church (including Portuguese Guinea-Bissauans) and various Prot

Religion in Guinea-Bissau

There are diverse religions in Guinea-Bissau with no one religion having a majority. The CIA World Factbook (2017 but using 2008 estimates) states there are about 45% Muslims, 22% Christians, 15% Animists and 18% unspecified or other while the US State Department mentions that estimates vary greatly and cites the Pew Forum data (2010) of 40% Muslim, 31% indigenous religious practices, and 20% Christian. Sunni Islam, including that of Sufi-oriented, are most concentrated in the northern and northeastern parts of the country. Practitioners of traditional indigenous religious beliefs generally live in all but the northern parts of the country. Christians are mostly found along the coastal regions, and belong to the Roman Catholic Church (including Portuguese Guinea-Bissauans) and various Prot