René Mailhot

René Mailhot (1942/43 – April 28, 2007) was a Canadian journalist from the province of Quebec. He began his career at the age of twenty with the French-language newspaper Le Droit, published in Ottawa. Afterwards, Mailhot went into public television in Moncton, New Brunswick. While working with Radio-Canada during the FLQ October Crisis Mailhot was arrested and beaten twice by police officers. Mailhot also directed the magazine Le trente (The Thirty), served as president of the Professional Journalists Federation of Quebec as well as the founder of the Press Council of Quebec.

René Mailhot

René Mailhot (1942/43 – April 28, 2007) was a Canadian journalist from the province of Quebec. He began his career at the age of twenty with the French-language newspaper Le Droit, published in Ottawa. Afterwards, Mailhot went into public television in Moncton, New Brunswick. While working with Radio-Canada during the FLQ October Crisis Mailhot was arrested and beaten twice by police officers. Mailhot also directed the magazine Le trente (The Thirty), served as president of the Professional Journalists Federation of Quebec as well as the founder of the Press Council of Quebec.