Renée Gauthier

Renée Gauthier was one of the earliest women to be involved in surrealism. A close friend of Benjamin Péret, Gauthier took part in the hypnotic sleep experiments organized by René Crevel in 1922-3. She contributed an account of a dream, starting “I am in a field with Jim”, to the first issue of La Révolution surréaliste in December 1924.

Renée Gauthier

Renée Gauthier was one of the earliest women to be involved in surrealism. A close friend of Benjamin Péret, Gauthier took part in the hypnotic sleep experiments organized by René Crevel in 1922-3. She contributed an account of a dream, starting “I am in a field with Jim”, to the first issue of La Révolution surréaliste in December 1924.