Renee XIV

Renee XIV was an unfinished 1946 Hungarian film directed by Ákos Ráthonyi and starring Franciska Gaal, Johannes Heesters and Theo Lingen. It was intended to be a German-language film made with Soviet-backing at the Hunnia Film Studio in Budapest starring Gaal, a popular pre-war star who had been able to come out of hiding after several years. After around ten days of filming, the production was abandoned. Gaal emigrated to America the following year and never made another film.

Renee XIV

Renee XIV was an unfinished 1946 Hungarian film directed by Ákos Ráthonyi and starring Franciska Gaal, Johannes Heesters and Theo Lingen. It was intended to be a German-language film made with Soviet-backing at the Hunnia Film Studio in Budapest starring Gaal, a popular pre-war star who had been able to come out of hiding after several years. After around ten days of filming, the production was abandoned. Gaal emigrated to America the following year and never made another film.