Reunion (2001 film)

Reunion, also known as American Reunion, is a 2001 American film directed by Leif Tilden and using the filmmaking techniques of Dogme 95 style. It stars Billy Wirth and Jennifer Rubin in a bittersweet tale about six former classmates gathering 24 hours before their 20th high school reunion. Reunion is listed as the 17th film to conform to the minimalist tenets of the Danish avant-garde school of Dogme.

Reunion (2001 film)

Reunion, also known as American Reunion, is a 2001 American film directed by Leif Tilden and using the filmmaking techniques of Dogme 95 style. It stars Billy Wirth and Jennifer Rubin in a bittersweet tale about six former classmates gathering 24 hours before their 20th high school reunion. Reunion is listed as the 17th film to conform to the minimalist tenets of the Danish avant-garde school of Dogme.