
Rhabdadenia is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1860. It is native to South America, Central America, southern Mexico, the West Indies, and Florida. Species * (Jacq.) Müll.Arg. - widespread from Florida and southern Mexico to Brazil * (Vell.) Miers - South America from Colombia + the Guianas to Uruguay + Bolivia * Woodson - Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraguay, N Argentinaformerly included in the genus 1. * Rhabdadenia barbata (Desv. ex Ham.) Miers = Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin 2. * Rhabdadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Müll.Arg. = Angadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Miers 3. * Rhabdadenia campestris (Vell.) Miers = (Rich.) K.Schum. 4. * Rhabdadenia corallicola Small = Angadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Miers 5. * Rhabdadenia cubensis Müll.Arg. = An


Rhabdadenia is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae first described as a genus in 1860. It is native to South America, Central America, southern Mexico, the West Indies, and Florida. Species * (Jacq.) Müll.Arg. - widespread from Florida and southern Mexico to Brazil * (Vell.) Miers - South America from Colombia + the Guianas to Uruguay + Bolivia * Woodson - Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraguay, N Argentinaformerly included in the genus 1. * Rhabdadenia barbata (Desv. ex Ham.) Miers = Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin 2. * Rhabdadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Müll.Arg. = Angadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Miers 3. * Rhabdadenia campestris (Vell.) Miers = (Rich.) K.Schum. 4. * Rhabdadenia corallicola Small = Angadenia berteroi (A.DC.) Miers 5. * Rhabdadenia cubensis Müll.Arg. = An