Robbie Duff Scott

Robbie Duff-Scott was a self-taught British oil painter, born in Bristol in 1959. When he was twenty-three, he exhibited a self portrait at the National Portrait Gallery in London. In 1985 he was a prize winner at the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol. His work has been described by The Independent as: He was the third husband of author, Lisa St Aubin de Terán and from the mid 1980s they lived in various parts of Italy, settling eventually in Umbria where their daughter Florence was born.

Robbie Duff Scott

Robbie Duff-Scott was a self-taught British oil painter, born in Bristol in 1959. When he was twenty-three, he exhibited a self portrait at the National Portrait Gallery in London. In 1985 he was a prize winner at the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol. His work has been described by The Independent as: He was the third husband of author, Lisa St Aubin de Terán and from the mid 1980s they lived in various parts of Italy, settling eventually in Umbria where their daughter Florence was born.