Robert Sturmy

Robert Sturmy was a 15th-century Bristol merchant. In 1445 he sponsored a voyage conveying 200 pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia and in 1447 his ship the Cog Anne took pilgrims to Jaffa in Palestine but was wrecked off Greece on the return voyage, with the loss of 37 lives. He was Sheriff of Bristol in 1450 and Mayor in 1453.

Robert Sturmy

Robert Sturmy was a 15th-century Bristol merchant. In 1445 he sponsored a voyage conveying 200 pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia and in 1447 his ship the Cog Anne took pilgrims to Jaffa in Palestine but was wrecked off Greece on the return voyage, with the loss of 37 lives. He was Sheriff of Bristol in 1450 and Mayor in 1453.