Robie Street

Robie Street is a north-south artery, street and provincial road that runs for 7 kilometres within the Halifax Peninsula area of the Halifax Regional Municipality, from Memorial Drive in the North End Halifax, to Gorsebrook Avenue in the South End. The street in most places is 4 lanes wide with a centre median from Gorsebrook Ave to Cunard Street. From Cunard to Almon Streets, it is a 2-lane street.

Robie Street

Robie Street is a north-south artery, street and provincial road that runs for 7 kilometres within the Halifax Peninsula area of the Halifax Regional Municipality, from Memorial Drive in the North End Halifax, to Gorsebrook Avenue in the South End. The street in most places is 4 lanes wide with a centre median from Gorsebrook Ave to Cunard Street. From Cunard to Almon Streets, it is a 2-lane street.