Robot Wars (film)

Robot Wars is a 1993 American cyberpunk film directed by Albert Band and written by Charles Band and Jackson Barr. It tells the story of a hotshot mech pilot in a post-apocalyptic 2041 who must stop mech hijackers from provoking global war. It is sometimes referred to as a sequel to Robot Jox. However, while both films came from the same production company and have similar themes (giant robot battles), their storylines are unrelated. Of note is that the venerable actor Danny Kamekona plays different characters in both movies.

Robot Wars (film)

Robot Wars is a 1993 American cyberpunk film directed by Albert Band and written by Charles Band and Jackson Barr. It tells the story of a hotshot mech pilot in a post-apocalyptic 2041 who must stop mech hijackers from provoking global war. It is sometimes referred to as a sequel to Robot Jox. However, while both films came from the same production company and have similar themes (giant robot battles), their storylines are unrelated. Of note is that the venerable actor Danny Kamekona plays different characters in both movies.