Rock N Roll Experience Magazine

Rock N Roll Experience Magazine is a Maryland based publication that started out in 1992 as a print zine and switched over to an online zine in 2000. The magazine is devoted to music and popular culture and is updated daily with reviews and interviews. The publication was created by Bob Suehs when he was 16 years old & still in high school. It remained in print for nearly a decade but switched over to an online only web site as the print medium slowly started to die out.

Rock N Roll Experience Magazine

Rock N Roll Experience Magazine is a Maryland based publication that started out in 1992 as a print zine and switched over to an online zine in 2000. The magazine is devoted to music and popular culture and is updated daily with reviews and interviews. The publication was created by Bob Suehs when he was 16 years old & still in high school. It remained in print for nearly a decade but switched over to an online only web site as the print medium slowly started to die out.