Rodovia Cândido Portinari

Rodovia Cândido Portinari (official designation SP-334) is a State highway in the state of São Paulo. It is named after Cândido Portinari, a noted painter, who was born in the city of Brodowski. The highway runs through these places: * Ribeirão Preto (where it starts at SP-330) * Brodowski * Batatais * Franca - near Rifaina (division of Minas Gerais which links with another state highway)

Rodovia Cândido Portinari

Rodovia Cândido Portinari (official designation SP-334) is a State highway in the state of São Paulo. It is named after Cândido Portinari, a noted painter, who was born in the city of Brodowski. The highway runs through these places: * Ribeirão Preto (where it starts at SP-330) * Brodowski * Batatais * Franca - near Rifaina (division of Minas Gerais which links with another state highway)