Romani music

Romani music (often referred to as Gypsy or Gipsy music, which is sometimes considered a derogatory term) is the music of the Romani people, who have their origins in northern India, but today live mostly in Europe. It is difficult to define the parameters of a unified Romani musical style, as there are many differences in melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and formal structures from region to region. Lyrics to Romani songs are often sung in one or more dialects of the Romani language, and dance frequently accompanies Romani music performance.

Romani music

Romani music (often referred to as Gypsy or Gipsy music, which is sometimes considered a derogatory term) is the music of the Romani people, who have their origins in northern India, but today live mostly in Europe. It is difficult to define the parameters of a unified Romani musical style, as there are many differences in melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and formal structures from region to region. Lyrics to Romani songs are often sung in one or more dialects of the Romani language, and dance frequently accompanies Romani music performance.