Ronda del Mig

Ronda del Mig is an expressway that runs through the city of Barcelona through the interior of the city, unlike the Ronda del Litoral and the Ronda de Dalt, which runs along the periphery. It was originally called the "Primer Cinturó de Ronda". It was initially planned in the Barcelona link plan of 1907, the work of the urban planner Léon Jaussely, although its execution, with important modifications, has been extended almost all the twentieth century.

Ronda del Mig

Ronda del Mig is an expressway that runs through the city of Barcelona through the interior of the city, unlike the Ronda del Litoral and the Ronda de Dalt, which runs along the periphery. It was originally called the "Primer Cinturó de Ronda". It was initially planned in the Barcelona link plan of 1907, the work of the urban planner Léon Jaussely, although its execution, with important modifications, has been extended almost all the twentieth century.