Rosa Francisca Dolors Molas Vallvé

Rosa Francisca Dolors Molas Vallvé (24 March 1815 – 11 June 1876) was a Spanish Roman Catholic religious sister. Following her solemn religious profession she assumed the name of "Maria Rosa" and also established the religious congregation known as the . Vallvé decided that her order would be devoted to women and to service of the poor who most needed aid. Pope Paul VI beatified her in mid-1977 and she was canonized in late 1988 after recognition of three miracles attributed to her intercession. She is a patron saint of her congregation.

Rosa Francisca Dolors Molas Vallvé

Rosa Francisca Dolors Molas Vallvé (24 March 1815 – 11 June 1876) was a Spanish Roman Catholic religious sister. Following her solemn religious profession she assumed the name of "Maria Rosa" and also established the religious congregation known as the . Vallvé decided that her order would be devoted to women and to service of the poor who most needed aid. Pope Paul VI beatified her in mid-1977 and she was canonized in late 1988 after recognition of three miracles attributed to her intercession. She is a patron saint of her congregation.