Rose Boyko

Rose Toodick Boyko is a Canadian First Nations lawyer and retired judge. She was the first aboriginal woman appointed as a superior court judge in Canada. Her mother was Sekani, her father Ukrainian. She is a member of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. Born in 1950, her early memories are of life on the trapline on the Parsnip River near Finlay Forks in northern British Columbia. Her family's trapline was flooded by the construction of the W. A. C. Bennett Dam in 1967.

Rose Boyko

Rose Toodick Boyko is a Canadian First Nations lawyer and retired judge. She was the first aboriginal woman appointed as a superior court judge in Canada. Her mother was Sekani, her father Ukrainian. She is a member of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. Born in 1950, her early memories are of life on the trapline on the Parsnip River near Finlay Forks in northern British Columbia. Her family's trapline was flooded by the construction of the W. A. C. Bennett Dam in 1967.