Rose Cumming

Rose Cumming (1887-March 21, 1968) was a flamboyant and eccentric interior decorator whose career was based in New York. Rose Cumming was born on an Australian sheep station in New South Wales. In 1917 she came to New York with her sister, silent-screen actress Dorothy Cumming. Her clients included Marlene Dietrich, Mary Pickford, and Norma Shearer.

Rose Cumming

Rose Cumming (1887-March 21, 1968) was a flamboyant and eccentric interior decorator whose career was based in New York. Rose Cumming was born on an Australian sheep station in New South Wales. In 1917 she came to New York with her sister, silent-screen actress Dorothy Cumming. Her clients included Marlene Dietrich, Mary Pickford, and Norma Shearer.