Roundup (issue tracker)

Roundup is an open-source issue or bug tracking system featuring a command-line, web and e-mail interface. It is written in Python and designed to be highly customizable. Roundup was designed by Ka-Ping Yee for the Software Carpentry project and was developed from 2001-2016 under the direction of Richard Jones. Since then it has been developed by the Roundup community. It is currently the issue tracker for the Python programming language itself. It was once described as "like Bugzilla without the six years of training, or RT without that tedious MySQL rubbish."

Roundup (issue tracker)

Roundup is an open-source issue or bug tracking system featuring a command-line, web and e-mail interface. It is written in Python and designed to be highly customizable. Roundup was designed by Ka-Ping Yee for the Software Carpentry project and was developed from 2001-2016 under the direction of Richard Jones. Since then it has been developed by the Roundup community. It is currently the issue tracker for the Python programming language itself. It was once described as "like Bugzilla without the six years of training, or RT without that tedious MySQL rubbish."