Rue des Archers

The Rue des Archers is a street located in the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon, in the Cordeliers quarter. It is near the Place Bellecour. The traffic goes from the rue Édouard-Herriot to the place des Célestins, and is regulated on the part leading to the rue de la République. The zone is served by the metro station Bellecour of the line A and the buses 91 and 99.

Rue des Archers

The Rue des Archers is a street located in the 2nd arrondissement of Lyon, in the Cordeliers quarter. It is near the Place Bellecour. The traffic goes from the rue Édouard-Herriot to the place des Célestins, and is regulated on the part leading to the rue de la République. The zone is served by the metro station Bellecour of the line A and the buses 91 and 99.