Ruhn Hills

The Ruhn Hills (German: Ruhner Berge, ) are a terminal moraine ridge up to 176.8 m above sea level (NHN), which lies on either side of the border between the German states of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern near Parchim. After the Helpt Hills they are the second highest points in the latter federal state. The hills get their name from the village of Ruhn, which lies northeast of Neu Drefahl. Ruhn is abandoned today, but its foundations and gardens were still recognisable in the 1980s.

Ruhn Hills

The Ruhn Hills (German: Ruhner Berge, ) are a terminal moraine ridge up to 176.8 m above sea level (NHN), which lies on either side of the border between the German states of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern near Parchim. After the Helpt Hills they are the second highest points in the latter federal state. The hills get their name from the village of Ruhn, which lies northeast of Neu Drefahl. Ruhn is abandoned today, but its foundations and gardens were still recognisable in the 1980s.