Rumpus Cat

The Great Rumpus Cat is a fictional character from T.S. Eliot's 1939 book Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats and in Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1981 musical, Cats. The Great Rumpus Cat appears in the poem "Of the Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles." The poem describes a contentious encounter between a Peke and a Pollicle dog which eventually leads to the participation of other dogs and a great deal of barking, heard throughout the park. The Great Rumpuscat nonchalantly intervenes and scatters the dogs merely by his threatening appearance and a single great leap. The Great Rumpuscat is described as having blazing eyes, great jaws, and a fierce and hairy presence. Of the dogs in the poem, the Pollicle is referring to many types of dogs, whereas the Pekes, Poms, and Pugs all correspond

Rumpus Cat

The Great Rumpus Cat is a fictional character from T.S. Eliot's 1939 book Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats and in Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1981 musical, Cats. The Great Rumpus Cat appears in the poem "Of the Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles." The poem describes a contentious encounter between a Peke and a Pollicle dog which eventually leads to the participation of other dogs and a great deal of barking, heard throughout the park. The Great Rumpuscat nonchalantly intervenes and scatters the dogs merely by his threatening appearance and a single great leap. The Great Rumpuscat is described as having blazing eyes, great jaws, and a fierce and hairy presence. Of the dogs in the poem, the Pollicle is referring to many types of dogs, whereas the Pekes, Poms, and Pugs all correspond