Russian torpedo boat Ismail

The Russian torpedo boat Ismail was the first ship in the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet to join the mutiny of the battleship Potemkin in 1905. The torpedo boat was Potemkin's escort and had on board a complement of three officers, 20 sailors, two 37 mm guns and two torpedo launchers. Ismail brought rotten meat aboard Potemkin in June 1905, an incident which sparked the mutiny. The commander of Ismail was Lieutenant Pyotr Klodt von Yurgensburg, a 41-year-old Russian nobleman.

Russian torpedo boat Ismail

The Russian torpedo boat Ismail was the first ship in the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet to join the mutiny of the battleship Potemkin in 1905. The torpedo boat was Potemkin's escort and had on board a complement of three officers, 20 sailors, two 37 mm guns and two torpedo launchers. Ismail brought rotten meat aboard Potemkin in June 1905, an incident which sparked the mutiny. The commander of Ismail was Lieutenant Pyotr Klodt von Yurgensburg, a 41-year-old Russian nobleman.