Ryōtan-ji (Hamamatsu)

Ryōtan-ji (龍潭寺) is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Myōshin-ji branch of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. located in Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is the head temple of one of fourteen autonomous branches of the Rinzai school. Its main image is a hibutsu statue of Kokūzō Bosatsu. The temple, including its famed Japanese garden is not open to the general public.

Ryōtan-ji (Hamamatsu)

Ryōtan-ji (龍潭寺) is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Myōshin-ji branch of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. located in Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is the head temple of one of fourteen autonomous branches of the Rinzai school. Its main image is a hibutsu statue of Kokūzō Bosatsu. The temple, including its famed Japanese garden is not open to the general public.