SERRV International

SERRV International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alternative trading organization operating in the United States, Africa, Asia and Latin America. The organization is credited to be one of the first fair trade initiatives worldwide, with imports as early as 1949. In 2006, it was one of the country's largest fair trade importers with annual sales of approximately $10 million. It currently works with 85 small-scale, cooperatively run producer groups in 35 countries.

SERRV International

SERRV International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alternative trading organization operating in the United States, Africa, Asia and Latin America. The organization is credited to be one of the first fair trade initiatives worldwide, with imports as early as 1949. In 2006, it was one of the country's largest fair trade importers with annual sales of approximately $10 million. It currently works with 85 small-scale, cooperatively run producer groups in 35 countries.