The Geostationary Defense and Strategic Communications Satellite or SGDC (in Portuguese: Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas) is a Brazilian geostationary communication satellite that was built by Thales Alenia Space in France, it was placed in the orbital position of 75 degrees west longitude and will be operated by Telebrás. Telebrás selected Viasat as a partner to help build the associated ground system. The satellite was based on the Spacebus-4000 platform and its life expectancy will be 18 years. A backup satellite, SGDC-2, is planned for launch in 2022.


The Geostationary Defense and Strategic Communications Satellite or SGDC (in Portuguese: Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas) is a Brazilian geostationary communication satellite that was built by Thales Alenia Space in France, it was placed in the orbital position of 75 degrees west longitude and will be operated by Telebrás. Telebrás selected Viasat as a partner to help build the associated ground system. The satellite was based on the Spacebus-4000 platform and its life expectancy will be 18 years. A backup satellite, SGDC-2, is planned for launch in 2022.