SPC ECO (pronounced Space Echo) are a British shoegaze band formed in 2007. The band consists of Dean Garcia (bass, drums, guitar and programming), formerly of Curve, and his daughter Rose Berlin (vocals); and a long list of "friends and collaborators" including: Joey Levenson, Perry Pelonero, Jarek Leskiewicz, Debbie Smith, Steve Monti, Harry K G, Preston Maddox, Russell Keeble, Ed Shearmur, Alan Moulder, Masa at Quince Japan, Julian Baker, Anne Baker, Freddie Lomaz, Slade Templeton, J P Wombbaby, Alex Keevil, Jo Neale, Zac, Laura and Em, Robin Allport, Gary Crowley, Chris McCormack, Baxter, Merlin Rhys Jones, Chris Rigg, Phill Savidge, Jo Murray, and John Howarrd Fletcher.


SPC ECO (pronounced Space Echo) are a British shoegaze band formed in 2007. The band consists of Dean Garcia (bass, drums, guitar and programming), formerly of Curve, and his daughter Rose Berlin (vocals); and a long list of "friends and collaborators" including: Joey Levenson, Perry Pelonero, Jarek Leskiewicz, Debbie Smith, Steve Monti, Harry K G, Preston Maddox, Russell Keeble, Ed Shearmur, Alan Moulder, Masa at Quince Japan, Julian Baker, Anne Baker, Freddie Lomaz, Slade Templeton, J P Wombbaby, Alex Keevil, Jo Neale, Zac, Laura and Em, Robin Allport, Gary Crowley, Chris McCormack, Baxter, Merlin Rhys Jones, Chris Rigg, Phill Savidge, Jo Murray, and John Howarrd Fletcher.