SVG animation

Animation of Scalable Vector Graphics, an open XML-based standard vector graphics format, is possible through various means: * Scripting: ECMAScript is a primary means of creating animations and interactive user interfaces within SVG. * Styling: Since 2008, the development of CSS Animations as a feature in WebKit has made possible stylesheet-driven implicit animation of SVG files from within the Document Object Model (DOM). * SMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, a recommended means of animating SVG-based hypermedia, supported by the Amaya (2003) Opera (2006), Mozilla Firefox (2011), Google Chrome (2016) and Safari (2017) web browsers, and any browser that aims to pass the Acid3 web standards test of 2008 (i.e. before the test's "simplification" in 2011) as this requires S

SVG animation

Animation of Scalable Vector Graphics, an open XML-based standard vector graphics format, is possible through various means: * Scripting: ECMAScript is a primary means of creating animations and interactive user interfaces within SVG. * Styling: Since 2008, the development of CSS Animations as a feature in WebKit has made possible stylesheet-driven implicit animation of SVG files from within the Document Object Model (DOM). * SMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, a recommended means of animating SVG-based hypermedia, supported by the Amaya (2003) Opera (2006), Mozilla Firefox (2011), Google Chrome (2016) and Safari (2017) web browsers, and any browser that aims to pass the Acid3 web standards test of 2008 (i.e. before the test's "simplification" in 2011) as this requires S