Saint Midabaria

'St Midabaria', Miadhnat or Miodhabhair was a sister of Saint Berach the 6th-century Irish Missionary, she was Abbess of a nunnery in Bumlin (Strokestown), County Roscommon in Ireland.She is venerated as Patroness on February 22 each year. The entry for February 22 in the Lives of the Saints, the name of this saint is phrased as Midabarius Rinn Drochidii which makes her appear male however, she was also called Midabaria. She is referenced in several books of the saints around Europe. She was recognised in particular for her healing.

Saint Midabaria

'St Midabaria', Miadhnat or Miodhabhair was a sister of Saint Berach the 6th-century Irish Missionary, she was Abbess of a nunnery in Bumlin (Strokestown), County Roscommon in Ireland.She is venerated as Patroness on February 22 each year. The entry for February 22 in the Lives of the Saints, the name of this saint is phrased as Midabarius Rinn Drochidii which makes her appear male however, she was also called Midabaria. She is referenced in several books of the saints around Europe. She was recognised in particular for her healing.