Same Old Story: A Trip Back 20 Years

Same Old Story: A Trip Back 20 Years is a 2008 Japanese documentary film about a Japanese musician, Cheep Hiroishi (チープ広石) who takes a look back at his life over the last 20 years. Traveling back to the place he had been two decades ago, he realizes how much time changes so many things. During the film, Hiroishi travels throughout Japan and even to New York to interview people who had known him or of him and what kind of affect his music had on their lives.

Same Old Story: A Trip Back 20 Years

Same Old Story: A Trip Back 20 Years is a 2008 Japanese documentary film about a Japanese musician, Cheep Hiroishi (チープ広石) who takes a look back at his life over the last 20 years. Traveling back to the place he had been two decades ago, he realizes how much time changes so many things. During the film, Hiroishi travels throughout Japan and even to New York to interview people who had known him or of him and what kind of affect his music had on their lives.