Samoan tālā

The tālā is the currency of Samoa. It is divided into 100 sene. The terms tālā and sene are the equivalents or transliteration of the English words dollar and cent, in the Samoan language. Its symbol is $, or WS$ to distinguish it from other currencies named dollar. The word 'tala' is also derived from the German word 'Thaler', and pronounced the same. Sometimes figures are written with the dollar sign in front, followed by "tālā". e.g. $100 tālā. The Samoan currency is issued and regulated by the Central Bank of Samoa.

Samoan tālā

The tālā is the currency of Samoa. It is divided into 100 sene. The terms tālā and sene are the equivalents or transliteration of the English words dollar and cent, in the Samoan language. Its symbol is $, or WS$ to distinguish it from other currencies named dollar. The word 'tala' is also derived from the German word 'Thaler', and pronounced the same. Sometimes figures are written with the dollar sign in front, followed by "tālā". e.g. $100 tālā. The Samoan currency is issued and regulated by the Central Bank of Samoa.