San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo

San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo was a church in Rome dedicated to St. Michael, the Archangel, important for historical and artistic reasons. The church, traditionally linked to the legend of the appearance of St. Michael above Castel Sant'Angelo and seat of the confraternity of the same name, was founded in the Middle Ages and rebuilt in 1564. The 16th century church, a small hall building, was the work of the Florentine mannerist architect Tiberio Calcagni, and had a side chapel on the left side of the first bay. The building was decorated with frescoes and paintings from the mannerist period, and housed a fresco from the 15th century, the Nursing Madonna, attributed to Antoniazzo Romano, accidentally found in 1825 in the courtyard wall.

San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo

San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo was a church in Rome dedicated to St. Michael, the Archangel, important for historical and artistic reasons. The church, traditionally linked to the legend of the appearance of St. Michael above Castel Sant'Angelo and seat of the confraternity of the same name, was founded in the Middle Ages and rebuilt in 1564. The 16th century church, a small hall building, was the work of the Florentine mannerist architect Tiberio Calcagni, and had a side chapel on the left side of the first bay. The building was decorated with frescoes and paintings from the mannerist period, and housed a fresco from the 15th century, the Nursing Madonna, attributed to Antoniazzo Romano, accidentally found in 1825 in the courtyard wall.