
Sandilch (Σάνδιλ, Σάνδιλχος; Turkic-Mamluk "boat") was a chieftain of the Utigur Bulgar Huns in the 6th century. The origin of the name is probably Turkic. Although he initially protested against leading the Utigurs into war against a related people, the Kutrigurs, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527–565) convinced him to do so through diplomatic persuasion and bribery. The Utigurs led by Sandilch attacked the Kutrigurs, who suffered great losses. Sandilch's own words:


Sandilch (Σάνδιλ, Σάνδιλχος; Turkic-Mamluk "boat") was a chieftain of the Utigur Bulgar Huns in the 6th century. The origin of the name is probably Turkic. Although he initially protested against leading the Utigurs into war against a related people, the Kutrigurs, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527–565) convinced him to do so through diplomatic persuasion and bribery. The Utigurs led by Sandilch attacked the Kutrigurs, who suffered great losses. Sandilch's own words: