School of Infantry

A School of Infantry provides training in weapons and infantry tactics to infantrymen of a nation's military forces. Schools of infantry include: Australia * Australian Army – School of Infantry, Lone Pine Barracks at Singleton, NSW. France * French Army – École de l'infanterie, at Montpellier, France. Indonesia * Indonesian Army - Infantry Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri abbreviated Pusdikif), at Bandung, West Java * Indonesian Marine Corps - Marines Infantry Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri Marinir abbreviated Pusdikifmar) South Africa Sri Lanka Turkey United Kingdom

School of Infantry

A School of Infantry provides training in weapons and infantry tactics to infantrymen of a nation's military forces. Schools of infantry include: Australia * Australian Army – School of Infantry, Lone Pine Barracks at Singleton, NSW. France * French Army – École de l'infanterie, at Montpellier, France. Indonesia * Indonesian Army - Infantry Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri abbreviated Pusdikif), at Bandung, West Java * Indonesian Marine Corps - Marines Infantry Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan Infanteri Marinir abbreviated Pusdikifmar) South Africa Sri Lanka Turkey United Kingdom