Science Fiction World

Science Fiction World (Sci-Fi World; SFW) (Chinese: 科幻世界, Kehuan Shijie), began in 1979, is a monthly science fiction magazine published in the People's Republic of China, headquartered in Chengdu, Sichuan. It dominates the Chinese science fiction magazine market, at one time claiming a circulation of 300,000 copies per issue, with an estimate of 3-5 readers per copy (giving it a total readership of at least 1 million) therefore making it the world's most popular science fiction periodical.

Science Fiction World

Science Fiction World (Sci-Fi World; SFW) (Chinese: 科幻世界, Kehuan Shijie), began in 1979, is a monthly science fiction magazine published in the People's Republic of China, headquartered in Chengdu, Sichuan. It dominates the Chinese science fiction magazine market, at one time claiming a circulation of 300,000 copies per issue, with an estimate of 3-5 readers per copy (giving it a total readership of at least 1 million) therefore making it the world's most popular science fiction periodical.