Scream queen

A scream queen (a wordplay on screen queen) is a term used to describe an actress who is prominent and influential in horror films; this happens either through an appearance in a notable entry in the genre or recurring roles in the genre. The term is commonly coined with Jamie Lee Curtis and Neve Campbell, who portrayed Laurie Strode in the Halloween franchise (1978–present) and Sidney Prescott in the Scream franchise (1996–present) respectively. Other actresses include Fay Wray, Janet Leigh for starring as Marion Crane in Psycho (1960), Linda Blair as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist franchise (1973–1977), Heather Langencamp for appearing as Nancy Thompson in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise (1984–1994), Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar for starring in I Know What You Di

Scream queen

A scream queen (a wordplay on screen queen) is a term used to describe an actress who is prominent and influential in horror films; this happens either through an appearance in a notable entry in the genre or recurring roles in the genre. The term is commonly coined with Jamie Lee Curtis and Neve Campbell, who portrayed Laurie Strode in the Halloween franchise (1978–present) and Sidney Prescott in the Scream franchise (1996–present) respectively. Other actresses include Fay Wray, Janet Leigh for starring as Marion Crane in Psycho (1960), Linda Blair as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist franchise (1973–1977), Heather Langencamp for appearing as Nancy Thompson in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise (1984–1994), Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Gellar for starring in I Know What You Di